Squidoo Lensmasters benefit from writing and publishing their own blogs. They do several ways. They can:
- advertise their Squidoo Lenses on their blog,
- promote their blog on their Squidoo Lenses, and
- they can use the tools together to increase their visibility on the web.
Here's a growing list of blogs authored by Squidoo Lensmasters who are fans of the Spotted Squid. You can learn how to get your blog posted here by visiting the Spotted Squid Fan Page on Facebook.
Paul Duxbury writes the Adventures of a Giant Squid, a blog that tells you all about Squidoo.
Beth Day created Great Gifts for All Occasions where you can read about the gifts she reviews.
Lee Hansen writes as the 20th Century G33k Grrl and provides marketing tips to her readers.
Not Pop Squidoo combines Squidoo and his blog, The Not-Pop Juke Box to entertain and inform his readers.
Susan Duffy writes Squids Downunder where you can learn what's happening in the Southern Hemisphere.
If you want to know about quality on Squidoo, you can learn on Leanne Chesser's blog, Best Squidoo.
Evelyn Saenz, an educational consultant, created Learning About Frogs, a fun blog for those who have kids or grand children.
Pamela Mailki Johnson writes about music and homeschooling at Joyful Songs.
If you like coupons, be sure to check out Marsha Sieberling's blog at Marsha's Spot.
You can join the fun, learn to create Lenses at Squidoo, and earn some money along the way by following this referral link. Just tell them "Quesea sent me."