Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mary Bradley McCauley is a Spotted Squid

Mary Bradley McCauley is a Squidoo Lensmaster. She is a writer and has written three lenses about setting goals and reaching them. You can find one at Manifest Goals, her lens about creating visualizations.

Mary was spotted at Squidoo Marketing. If you'd like to know how to fulfill yourself or help others learn how to do realize their potentials, you'll find she's got something worthwhile to say.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Amy Fricano is a Spotted Squid

Amy Fricano is known as Windygig on Squidoo. She was spotted writing about Beautiful Wind Turbines. She's also on Facebook.

Beth Day is a Spotted Squid

Beth Day knows how to have fun! She has written about Operating Room Nurses, has survived a heart attack and celebrates everyday as a Rocket Mom. Her Squidoo Profile Page the 100 plus lenses she's created. Stop by and say "Hi." You'll love her smile.
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Friday, March 5, 2010

John Sitton is a Spotted Squid

John Sitton, aka SittonBull is a Fresh Squid and Squidoo Lensmaster. He enjoys taking pictures of family, friends, a places he visits. This Southern Gentleman's Fan Page has links to his lenses about what he's learning as a Fresh Squid.

He was spotted at The Squid Report. You'll find he has a terrific sense of humor and he offers encouragement to his friends and fellow Squids where ever he goes.
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Carol Ann Wiley is a Spotted Squid

Carol Ann Wiley is also known as purplelady on Squidoo. You can learn about what she does...and she does a lot....on her Fan page.

Carol has created a fun lens entitled People Should Have a License to Have Children. As you can tell, she loves kids and has a great sense of humor too.

She was spotted on her blog Retired and Ready.
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Monday, March 1, 2010

Sandy Hitchens is a Spotted Squid

Sandy Hitchens is also known as oztoo. She's a Squidoo Lensmaster from Australia. She writes about cooking, house hold tips, and outdoor activities. She was spotted on her lens Australian Native Flowers. She's also a Rocket Mom and uses Facebook.